Dance with us

At PanDans we love ballroom and latin dancing. The popular dances that you may know from “Strictly Come Dancing” on TV. We also throw ourselves into line dancing.

We originate from the LGBT+ community and it remains our primary focus. Diversity, inclusiveness and openness are values we expect all our members to subscribe to.

Dance with us, whether you’ve never danced a single step before or you’ve been dancing all your life. We want to embrace you whether you just want to dance for fun or you want to participate in tournaments. We have classes for it all.

Choose your role

With us, you are free to decide which gender you dance with, and you choose the role you feel most comfortable with. In the mainstream dance world you would say that you dance “gentleman” or “lady” – we call it “leader” and “follower”.

We have all conceivable couple constellations and everyone, regardless of gender, can dance “leader” and “follower”. Some dancers and couples also choose to change roles so that you don’t dance the same role all the time.

All combinations are equally valid with us, but providing a space safe for LGBT+ dancers to explore their dancing remains front and centre for us.

Social life in our classes and across the association plays an equally important role. New friendships are made all the time during classes, and there are also often participants who go out together after class to the local café or bar. If that tradition is not already established in the class, you can always help start it by taking the initiative 🙂

A few times a year we organise “dance days”, where formal teaching is offered, but where there is also time for socialising across the classes.

We socialise too


We offer classes at all levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced and technique.
Each class has its own Facebook group, and it is in this that any cancellations are announced.

See the overview for winter/spring 2025:

Beginner Ballroom and Latin (Class P10)

By Sabrina Dobberschütz
Tuesdays 18:00-19:30
Skolen på Nyelandsvej, 2000 Frederiksberg
First lesson: 7th January 2025 – recruitment has closed

Have you dreamed of being able to dance and want to dive into learning ballroom and latin dances? Then come and join the beginner class! Here you will learn the basic steps and variations in English waltz, quickstep, tango, cha-cha-cha, rumba, and jive. This class is for those who want to learn to dance while having fun.

About the class Close

The school is at Nyelandsvej 23. Go through the gate to the left of the main entrance. Cross the court yard, enter the double doors, you will find the hall on the first floor.

Location Close

Beginner Ballroom and Latin (Class P11)

By Karoline Viktor and Kirsten Bayer Andersen
Wednesdays 18:00-19:30
Skolen på Nyelandsvej, 2000 Frederiksberg
First lesson: 8th January 2025 – recruitment has closed

Do you like to dance and would you like to learn to dance standard and latin, then come and join the beginners’ team! Here you learn basic steps and basic variations in English waltz, quickstep, tango, cha-cha-cha, rumba and jive. The class is for those of you who want to learn to dance while we have fun.

About the class Close

The school is at Nyelandsvej 23. Go through the gate to the left of the main entrance. Cross the courtyard, enter the double doors, you will find the hall on the first floor.

Location Close

Beginner Ballroom and Latin (Class P12)

By Anne Eriksen
Thursdays 18:30-20:00
Sølvgades Skole, 1307 København K
First lesson: 9th January 2025

Do you like to dance and would you like to learn to dance standard and latin, then come and join the beginners’ team! Here you learn basic steps and basic variations in English waltz, quickstep, tango, cha-cha-cha, rumba and jive. The class is for those of you who want to learn to dance while we have fun.

About the class Close

The school is at Sølvgade 16. The hall is in the basement of the building adjacent to Kronprinsessegade.

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Intermediate Ballroom and Latin (Class P20)

By Henrik Lindegaard
Mondays 18:00-19:30
Vesterbro Ny Skole, 1762 København V
First lesson: 6th January 2025

For dancers who have taken beginner classes or have danced before and are familiar with basic steps and variations. Instruction includes the English waltz, tango, quickstep, cha-cha-cha, rumba, and jive.

About the class Close

The school is at Slegsviggade 6. Entrance 3, Hall C1.

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Intermediate Ballroom and Latin (Class P21)

By Lars Thybo Nørgaard
Thursdays 19:30-21:00
Rådmandsgade Skole, 2200 København N
First lesson: 9th January 2025

For dancers who have taken beginner classes or have danced before and are familiar with basic steps and variations. Instruction includes the English waltz, tango, quickstep, cha-cha-cha, rumba, and jive.

About the class Close

The school is at Rådmandsgade 22. Hall K39.

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Advanced Ballroom and Latin (Class P30)

By Gilles Hoxer and Annabelle Perez-Pape
Mondays 18:00-19:30
Skolen på Nyelandsvej, 2000 Frederiksberg
First lesson: 6th January 2025

For those who have been dancing for several seasons and who want to develop as a dancer in pleasant company with other dance enthusiasts. The focus is on having fun while learning new routines and occasionally going into technical detail. All 10 dances are taught. It is not a requirement that you master all dances – we will teach you. In addition, we also dance Les Lanciers, which we have a lot of fun with.

About the class Close

The school is at Nyelandsvej 23. Go through the gate to the left of the main entrance. Cross the court yard, enter the double doors, you will find the hall on the first floor.

Location Close

Technique Ballroom (Class P40)

By Annabelle Perez-Pape
Mondays 19:30-21:00
Skolen på Nyelandsvej, 2000 Frederiksberg
First lesson: 6th January 2025

For those who wish to work on the five ballroom dances at a higher level and possibly have an interest in competing (not required). It is expected that couples have routines and want to work on technique, detail and performance. It is not necessary to have a partner to join this class, but it certainly helps when we practice finals. Participants are actively encouraged to communicate what they would like to work on.

About the class Close

The school is at Nyelandsvej 23. Go through the gate to the left of the main entrance. Cross the court yard, enter the double doors, you will find the hall on the first floor.

Location Close

Technique Latin (Class P41)

By Gilles Hoxer
Tuesdays 19:30-21:00
Skolen på Nyelandsvej, 2000 Frederiksberg
First lesson: 7th January 2025

For those who wish to work on the five latin dances at a higher level and possibly have an interest in competing (not required). It is expected that couples have routines and want to work on technique, detail, and performance. It is not necessary to have a partner to join this class but it certainly helps when we practice finals. Participants are actively encouraged to communicate what they would like to work on.

About the class Close

The school is at Nyelandsvej 23. Go through the gate to the left of the main entrance. Cross the court yard, enter the double doors, you will find the hall on the first floor.

Location Close

Line dance (Class P50)

By Sabrina Dobberschütz and Janina Dobberschütz
Saturdays 10:00-12:00 (even weeks)
Hillerødgade Bad og Hal, 2200 København
First lesson: 11th January 2025

In this class fixed choreographies are danced without a partner to music from different decades and styles – not just country music. It all takes place in a relaxed atmosphere where we have fun and laugh at ourselves. We have dances for all possible levels, so everyone can join in!

About the class Close

The hall is at Sandbjerggade 35. From the entrance area follow the red arrow below to the basement. There you will find the mirror hall (spejlsalen).

Practice opportunities

We offer our members the opportunity to practice on their own. Slots are available at various places and times throughout the week.

Entrance requires either keypad code og fob. Contact to obtain.

Mondays at 20:00-22:00
Tove Ditlevsen Skole (Hallen), Matthæusvej 33
Bring own speaker

Wednesdays at 20:00-22:00
Hillerødgade Bad og Hal (Spejlsalen), Sandbjerggade 35
Bring own speaker

Saturdays at 10:00-17:00 (even weeks 12:00-17:00)
Hillerødgade Bad og Hal (Spejlsalen), Sandbjerggade 35
Bring own speaker

Sundays at 18:00-23:00
DGI Byen, Forsamlingshuset, Tietgensgade 65, 1704 København V
Connect to speaker system via minijack or bluetooth

Cancellations: Easter Week (Week 16).

See place and time Close

Fees and signing up

Both membership fees to Pan Idræt and departmental fees to PanDans are paid. All fees are in DKK.

Fee typeStandardReduced
Pan Idræt 
50 / month*Under 25 or financially challenged:
30 / month
Free participation in all classes and activities:
166 / month**
Either only participation in linedance (class P50) or only use of practice opportunities:
83 / month**
Supplement for technique classes
Only classes P40 and P41
55 / month**

* Drawn every month. A joining fee of DKK 150 applies
** Drawn 9 times a year – September to May incl.

The typical member accordingly pays DKK 2,095 per year for almost unlimited access to all classes and activities.

This makes us one of the most affordable dance associations. This is only possible because PanDans is largely run by volunteers. Therefore, we expect those members who are able to lend a helping hand with practical tasks now and then.

Also, see conditions for membership fee payment.

If you have questions regarding membership and fees, you can write to

Frequently asked questions

Yes! You are very welcome to take a trial class before you have to register and pay fees.

Yes! We will try to find a suitable dance partner for you.

You can easily start by going to classes without having to buy special equipment. The most important thing is of course the shoes, and here it would be an advantage if the sole enables you to turn on it. If you have a pair of flat shoes with leather soles, that’s great, ​​but you can equally start out with a pair of completely ordinary everyday shoes or sneakers. If you come to enjoy dancing, you can always buy actual dance shoes later – a pair costs from DKK 700 and up.

No. Dancing in itself is great for fitness, but also has the great advantage that it can be adapted to quite different functional levels.

We have some members who do not easily understand Danish. However, we also have members who are not always proficient in English. Therefore, the approach is to tailor the language specifically to the participants in the class or at the event. To accommodate everyone as best as possible, be prepared for a combination of Danish and English being spoken in practice. If you feel that you have difficulty understanding what is being said, it is crucial that you make the trainer/facilitator aware of your needs.

Our training takes place at public schools in Copenhagen and in Frederiksberg. There is typically one shared changing room. Although there are bathing facilities at the sites, almost everyone chooses to bathe at home.

The season starts in September and concludes with the end-of-season ball at the end of May. As we use facilities at public schools, there are no classes when the schools are closed, including during autumn, christmas and winter breaks as well as the entire Easter week. In the event of sickness or other kind of hindrences we will attempt to find alternatives, but there is not a guaranteed number of class sessions.

We are relatively equally women and men, and we have a large age spread – across the classes there are members in their 20s and all the way up to their 70s. Most are middle-aged.

We are a department under Pan Idræt, an umbrella organisation for a wide range of sports. Pan Idræt provides us with infrastructure, e.g. member and class management, financial system, hall bookings, etc.

PanDans has a department management which is elected by the members at the annual meeting. Currently the department management consists of:
Kirsten Bayer Andersen
Sidsel Wiingaard Stoustrup 
Janina Dobberschütz
Kenneth Hermansen

PanDans Social – try us out

During the season, we regularly host an event for our members: PanDans Social. First, there is instruction at the beginners level in a specific dance style and afterwards the dance floor is open for social dancing. Throughout the evening, there are also collective dances, such as line dances.

You are welcome to participate so you can decide if PanDans is for you. Drop by entirely without obligation, or confirm your attendance by writing to In any case, we promise to welcome you warmly and ensure you have a fun evening!

Place: Forsamlingshuset i DGI Byen, Tietgensgade 65, 1704 København V. Forsamlingshuset is the round venue in the middle of the building. Entrance is from the basement level.

Pick a date for your calendar

There are no upcoming events.

Nordic Open

PanDans is a proud sponsor of Nordic Open, a large and popular tournament for same-sex and mixed couples at all levels. The tournament attracts participants from Denmark and many other countries. There is always a good and positive atmosphere among the participants and the audience.

See press mentions and videos: